2025 By-Laws
We have made updates to the Bylaws. Membership will be voting on the changes at the March 28th meeting. In the document, highlighted text is added diction and strike through is removal to the bylaws.
A few key points include:
- Name change – from GSLVMA to STLVMA
- Date of membership renewal – July 1 -June 30
- Addition of RVTs/non-DVMs -All licensed technicians, veterinary managers or non-licensed assistances and veterinary technologists who are sponsored by a current STLVMA veterinarian.
- Active non-veterinarians do not have voting rights
- Updated a few officer responsibilities
- All officers must be DVMs
Upcoming Events
Ophthalmology with Dr. Elizabeth Giuliano
- March 28th from 6pm-9pm at Sunset 44 Bistro. Sponsored in part by Purina and Royal Canin. REGISTER
2024-25 GSLVMA CE Calendar
Dr. Elizabeth Giuliano
Lecture notes and downloads are available here.