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- Non-members may place classifieds for $50 each.
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- To submit classified ads to the Greater St. Louis VMA email kclementsdvm@gmail.com.
Practice for Sale:
Be your own boss!
Small Animal Practice for sale in St. Peters, MO established in 1987
1400 sq. ft. shopping center grossing $260,000 w/ net to owner of $168,000
hours: Mon-Thurs 8-4 & Fri-Sat 8-12
6 weeks paid vacation in 2024
no emergencies
owner having health problems & is highly motivated to accept the best offer
please email inquiries to lmlnhep4@sbcglobal.net
Practice for Sale:
St. Clair County, IL, Near St. Louis, Missouri, Small Animal Practice + Real Estate for Sale. Excellent location! 1,700 SF facility with 2 exam rooms. This 1.5 DVM practice produced gross revenues exceeding $1.18 million in 2023, has an average annual growth rate of 24%, and wrapped up 2024 with approximately 14% growth! The seller is happy to negotiate part-time employment post-sale to assist with the new owner transition. Contact PS Broker at 800.636.4740, info@psbroker.com, https://go.psbroker.com/IL9 (Listing IL9)
Practice for Sale:
Small Animal Practice with emphasis on integrated medicine for sale in St. Louis
County. Gross revenue $850,000. Valuation $650,000. 1 to 1 ½ doctor practice. Also
selling real estate – 1600 sq ft brick building. Motivated by time, not money. Price
negotiable. Will help with transition. Contact trgarden2023@gmail.com
For Sale:
Microscopes for Sale:
Almost new microscopes for sale. $1000.00 These were used for less than 2 years at a vet tech school. School closed and sold out. Call 314-285-1953